Friday, 27 May 2011
Hot Rose McGowan’s Workout Her Legs In These Pictures
Hot Rose McGowan’s Workout Her Legs In These Pictures
I don’t find Rose McGowan all that attractive, but I know that my boss does, he had a thing for that crappy show about witches so, I thought he’d appreciate these pictures. Here’s the out of work actress, I don’t know that to be a fact I’m just assuming, walking the streets in her workout spandex. At least she’s got a lot of free time to workout, there’s nothing like a fat has been actress to ruin your day.
Hot Tara Reid Steps Up Her Naturally Pictures
Hot Tara Reid Steps Up Her Naturally Pictures
I haven’t seen Tara Reid in a long time, so I’m a little surprised to see her looking this good. I should rephrase that, I’m surprised to see her looking this good for Tara Reid. That makes more sense. Can she really still be considered a celebrity? I think at this point she’s just that chick.
Hot Kate Upton’s Big Cute Things Pictures
Hot Kate Upton’s Big Cute Things Pictures
You know it’s going to be a good day when Kate Upton slips on her best tight tank top dress and heads out on a promotional tour. Here she is looking as beautiful and as ever on something called the Boomer and Carton Show, I don’t know what the hell that is either, but I love those giant things of hers so I don’t care. She could be drowning kittens in a bucket and I’d still find it hot. If only I had video of her laughing and chatting and making those things bounce around… Oh wait, I do. Check it out HERE.
Hot Christina Aguilera Hides Her Chub Cakes Pictures
Hot Christina Aguilera Hides Her Chub Cakes Pictures
Here’s Christina Aguilera and her tasty chub cakes looking as happy as can be while signing autographs for middle aged men the other day. Cheer up lady. Actually now I’m kind of sad, I just realized the majority of the shots I’ve got are of her weird clown make up and not her fat . It seems like such a waste, like when strippers do that first dance with their clothes on… Who the hell wants to see that?